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Priya always dreamt of flying on her own magic carpet. And yes today, she flies to different lands with different people on her story-carpet! Whenever she comes across an interesting story, she has to share it…aha.. that’s the story of this storyteller! A pharmacist by qualification, she truly believes in the power of stories & storytelling. Having worked in different streams like – being a marketing personnel in pharamaceutical companies, a news reader in a news channel, an airline staff in the airport, a teacher/ facilitator in a school (ya ..many things!)..she believes that being a storyteller gives her the greatest joy! For almost 8+ years Priya has been telling stories across age-groups as a professional/ performance-storyteller. She has told stories in schools, colleges, museums, parks, railway stations, corporate offices, libraries, book-stores, at literature festivals etc. across the country. She is a translator and has translated around 12 books to Tamil for Pratham Books. She writes ‘sustainability stories’ for magazines and a few are up on Down To Earth magazine. She believes in Michael Margolis’s words   that if one needs to know about the culture, one needs to listen to the stories & if one needs to change the culture, then the stories told too need to change. 

She conducts storytelling sessions for one & all, coaches students, teachers & other professionals from various work spaces on storytelling, creates interesting & informative content for her YouTube channel etc. Currently besides freelancing on storytelling assignments she also works as storyteller-in-residence for couple of schools and is the Expert-Faculty handling storytelling as a general-elective subject at one of India’s reputed fashion technology college.